The RaspberryTips Community

The perfect solution for quick progress

Accelerate your success through connection, support and exclusive content.
Join a community of Raspberry Pi enthusiasts, just like you! 

Do you know that most Raspberry Pi users make the same mistake?
They think that they can brute-force their progress, find a tutorial, copy/paste commands and that’s it.
You probably know what I’m talking about, we all try.

Well, here is the problem: if it was that easy to learn anything, you’d probably be sending rockets to Mars, while being an Olympic champion and a chef in your spare time.

Reading tutorials is often a good starting point, that’s why I created the RaspberryTips website.
But it won’t be enough to master any skill.

You also need to practice a lot, and seek out support from online communities or speak with mentors, to make real progress. But it’s not easy to find, forums are often hostile or filled with bad advice.

Luckily for you, there is now a solution. Let me introduce you to the Raspberry Pi community you are looking for.

The RaspberryTips community is a group of Raspberry Pi enthusiasts, sharing ideas, working to accomplish the same goals, and supporting and learning from each other along the way.

That’s the power of this community.

Join the RaspberryTips Community

Joining this community will bring you several benefits:

– Exchange with other Raspberry Pi users and me about your projects, challenges and ask for advice.
– Get access to exclusive content delivered to you each month for free.
– Browse website without ads for more comfort and speed.
– Read my weekly updates where I share behind the scenes content.

You’ll also receive in your feed my new blog posts, announcements, promotions and get the chance to share your opinion and tips for upcoming blog tutorials.

All of this is available to you for just $9 a month, or you can get 6 months free for a yearly commitment:


Yearly Membership

Join for a year and get six months completely free! Double the Raspberry Pi experience at half the cost. 


Monthly Membership

Unsure about a year? Try the month-by-month offer. Join us for just $9 per month. 

With access to various lessons about the Raspberry Pi, you will be in contact with the latest trends and the most interesting projects to experiment and learn at the same time.

You’ll also have a way to ask questions to other Raspberry Pi users, with various skills and background. So, you should easily find the answers you are looking for. A community is also a great way to follow what other people are doing and the issues they encounter along the way.

If it’s not enough for you, you can cancel your subscription and leave at any time. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

The RaspberryTips Community

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